Kids from the Inema Art Center get hands-on experience shooting their peers traditional dance performances.

Bassel Ojjeh, part of our continuing eduction program for adults, prepares to interview his nephew who had just arrived to Germany after crossing all the borders between Syria to finally arrive at a refugee camp in Germany. April, 2025

Kids from a refugee camp on Chios, Island, Greece break into groups to develop and discuss story ideas. June, 2016

Filmschool Abroad

Educating and Empowering Voices

Frontline creates a platform for individuals from global conflict regions to share their stories through film. Our students become passionate about filmmaking as a tool to impact positive social change.

Frontline Film School produces short films on challenging subjects of humanitarian and ecological crisis. We also teach both online and in-the-field skills in filmmaking for high school, college and continuing-education students.

We also provide mentorship and free film-making
workshops to individuals and communities who would otherwise not have access to multimedia education and tools, with a focus on free workshops to refugees, indigenous communities and individuals affected by poverty. Online students are coached through the process of making their film with access to dozens of professional filmmakers.

Students who can afford to take extracurricular workshops pay a fee to gain access to educators who take them to the "frontlines" of humanitarian and ecologically threatened communities. Students primarily receive education on documentary storytelling through
multimedia with a focus on social impact. Our principle director,

Jonathan Kloberdanz, has been
working in refugee camps and with indigenous communities for over a decade. He therefore has access to many locations and a multitude of NGOs and grassroots humanitarian organizations world-wide.

Frontline is an advocacy platform that produces and distributes educational multimedia on subjects of humanitarian justice. We work with individuals and communities connected to global
conflict zones to amplify their voice worldwide. Our forward-thinking narratives portray extraordinary characters who persist in following their passions despite countless obstacles.

Public Benefit

Frontline Film School students learn how to make films by active participation. Each student comes home from their production workshop with a deliverable. In most cases, this is a short film to share with their community. Students gain skills in multidisciplinary subjects, which in turn provides value to their communities, sharing their stories both orally and visually. The film audience is expanded from the Frontline school to family, community, and outward to diverse communities world-wide through social media accounts and screenings.

Frontline Film School empowers refugees, tribal members and underserved communities to create an avenue to share their stories through their own short films. Our goal is to promote the work of these students through partnership with organizations that share our values.
With real-world experience in multimedia, our students have a much higher chance of getting into the college of their choice. For continuing education, our workshops provide the skills needed to find employment as a journalist, photographer, videographer, writer, video-editor, podcaster, TikTok influencer, YouTube creator, documentary film director and/or producer.

Jonathan Kloberdanz, Founder of the Frontline Filmschool, with subjects of his film, Dreams at Sea, documenting the story of one family of survivors of the war in Syria.

Ali Daas, from Palmyra, Syria shoots interviews at a make-shift refugee camp on the outskirts of Athens, Greece. Ali contributed to a feature film telling the story of his family on their journey as refugees.

The number of people forced to flee war, violence and persecution worldwide surpassed 100 million in 2022. By mid-2022, driven by the war in Ukraine and unresolved crises in other parts of the world, this number of people reached 103 million. The need for education and global awareness on the frontlines is ever more important.